Argonnex Properties, LLC, one of the best property management companies in the Washington Area, is committed to excellence in servicing your property management needs. We do nothing but manage properties and as such we can help you manage your property providing you as few or as many services as you need. As such, we have relationships with just a few services and some with a full gamma. We can provide you with professional advice on how to handle one or more properties. For instance, did you know there are several ways your property can save you on taxes? Some are interest, depreciation, repairs, local travel, insurance and professional services such as ours. Get peace of mind and greater return on investment — call us today for a free evaluation.
Throughout many years of providing this service to clients, our team has gained the experience and expertise necessary to make this process as seamless as possible. If you have any questions, simply reach out.

Real estate decisions can be difficult and complicated, which is why it’s crucial to take an informed approach. Through this service offering, you can count on us to guide you in every step of the process.

Our expert agents connect local buyers, renters and sellers. Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your property decisions.